“Blast Off”

Each month I will offer a photo in an 11 x 14 (print only) for $24.50, which is 1/2 of the normal print price.  This will be available only for a limited time and only on prints ordered through this page.  Click on the picture to order, then click “add to cart” and complete the checkout process.

 (Greg Disch)

“Blastoff” was photographed at Bosque Del Apache national wildlife refuge in New Mexico in January of 2011. The spectacle of thousands of snow geese all taking off at once is something that must be witnessed to fully appreciate. The snow geese will spend the night on a pond, then around sunrise in the morning, the geese will all “blastoff” at one time. You do not know exactly when this will occur, but there are telltale signs the geese begin to chatter amongst each other and then all once they just “blastoff” into the sky. The site and sound of the snow geese is like no other and very unmistakable.