I spent some time in western Kansas with my wife visiting family a couple of weeks ago, and of course while she was doing most of the visiting I would go out and take photos. As was my evening normal if it looked like there might be a chance for
Read more →This is a photo that was made during my Digital Night Photography Workshop on June 2, 2012. Capturing star trails is a photography technique that goes way back with film photography. The photo would be made on a very dark night with a very long exposure often lasting more than an
Read more →As part of my weekend long Night Photography Workshop last weekend, we did a night photo shoot at the abandoned hospital at Fort Chaffee. The medical complex at Fort Chaffee opened on December 7, 1941 (Pearl Harbor Day). The medical complex itself is an enormous site with 128 buildings all
Read more →The photo here “Neon Cadilliacs” was taken at Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo Texas. For more information on the Cadillac Ranch see my Photo Destination post. This photo was taken after the sun had set and it was dark outside. The exposure information is ISO 100, f/9.0, 13 seconds shutter speed.
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