On Saturday July 17, 2010 I went to the Garrison Creek Riders 38th annual rodeo in Muldrow Oklahoma. The rodeo is billed as the “Biggest Little Rodeo this side of heaven”. Rodeos are a very difficult event to photograph because of the fast action and low light of the arena.
Read more →As photographers we tend to love sunrise and sunsets, and why not, they make gorgeous photos. The problem comes from the fact that it takes more than just the sun, you need to have a great location. Let’s assume you are out taking photos in the afternoon and come upon
Read more →Just a few quick shots from the Cherokee Prairie Natural Area taken today. For more information on this area see my Photographic Destinations post on it here.
Read more →On Saturday the Photographic Alliance hosted a sunset and moonrise photo shoot at Wilson Rock on the Arkansas River near Muldrow Oklahoma. Saturday the time of the sunset and the moonrise were very close together and the full moon came up almost 180 degrees opposite the sunset. We had some thunderstorms
Read more →This last week in Arkansas we have had the coldest weather in 20 years, several days of not reaching above freezing and lows near zero every night. One of the effects of the cold is that the steams and waterfalls have been virtually frozen in time, creating some incredible displays
Read more →Saturday was the great Photo Walk, and we did have a great time. Our walk was attended by about 15 photographers and the weather could not have been better. The route for the Photo Walk consisted on Garrison Ave (Downtown Fort Smith) and Belle Point on the Arkansas River to Catch
Read more →I am making a trip out west and decided to follow parts of the old route 66, these are a few shots viagra online pharmacy australia from some of the restored sites.
Read more →It’s time to plan for another Photo Walk in Fort Smith. This time I will be leading the Scott Kelby Second Annnaul Worldwide Photo Walk. For more information and to sign up click here.
Read more →090620IMG_4717, originally uploaded by Greg Disch Photography. On Saturday the 20th of June 2009 I led the first Photo Walk in Fort Smith Arkansas. We had a very nice day, ok maybe it was just a little hot, and every seemed to have a good time. Approximately 25 people participated
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