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  • Tallgrass Prairie Preserve Photography Workshop
     October 23, 2021 - October 24, 2021
     11:00 am - 11:00 pm

Tallgrass Prairie Preserve Photography Workshop

October 23-24, 2021

The Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, in Osage County, Oklahoma is protected as the largest tract of remaining tallgrass prairie in the world.  By September the big bluestem and switchgrass reach heights of 6 to 8 feet with a few patches stretching to 10 feet. When trees turn to their rich autumn colors in October, so do the grasses. One of the main attractions for our photography is the Bison, the herd now numbers more than 2,500 and grazes 21,000 acres of mostly open range.  During the workshop we will learn to photograph birds in flight concentrating on the Short Eared Owls that live on the prairie during the fall and winter. Rough‑legged and Red‑tailed Hawks, Northern Harrier,  both Bald and Golden Eagles and Short Eared Owls are common sights during the fall and winter. You also may see deer, coyotes or bobcats roaming the prairie.  In addition there are excellent opportunities for landscape images. looking much as it appeared while the bison roamed the prairie in the 1800’s.

In addition we will visit Woolaroc a 3,700 acre wildlife preserve and world-class art museum.

This workshop will provide you with 2 days of personalized in the field instruction on various techniques including composition, camera settings, autofocus, and birds in flight.

This workshop is limited to 3 participants, transportation from Fort Smith Arkansas is provided.

Tallgrass Prairie Preserve

The Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve is the largest (39,650 acres) protected remnant of tallgrass prairie left on earth. Due to urban sprawl and conversion to cropland, this ecoregion, originally spanning across 14 states from Texas to Minnesota, have left less than 4% remaining of this magnificent landscape.

Since 1989, The Nature Conservancy in Oklahoma has proven successful at restoring this fully-functioning portion of the tallgrass prairie ecosystem with the use of 2,500 free-ranging bison and a “patch-burn” model approach to prescribed burning.

The preserve is located at the southern end of the Flint Hills, a rocky, rolling prairie that stretches from northern Kansas into Oklahoma. Exposed limestone formations make cultivation difficult, and thus the Flint Hills have survived much as they were when they were an Indian hunting ground for tribes such as the Wichita, Osage, and Kaw. In March bison graze the new green grass in areas of the preserve which were burned the previous fall.

Prior to its purchase by the Nature Conservancy in 1989, the preserve was called the Barnard Ranch which had been part of the Chapman-Barnard ranch of 100,000 acres. The foreman of the Chapman-Barnard ranch, Ben Johnson, Sr. was a rodeo champion. His son, also a rodeo champion, was Ben Johnson, Jr. who appeared in more than 300 movies and won an Oscar for his role in The Last Picture Show.

The preserve is bisected by well-timbered Salt Creek and its tributaries. The eastern portion of the preserve is in the Cross Timbers, a north-south running belt of tangled oak forests that were a major impediment to early travelers heading west. About 10 percent of the preserve is forested and the remainder is tallgrass prairie with grasses of several species that can grow 10 feet tall.

The tallgrass prairie owes its existence to fire, whether caused by lightning or manmade. Without fire, the prairie quickly becomes brushland. The Indians were aware of this and burned the prairie regularly to nurture new growth of succulent grasses and to kill intrusive trees and shrubs. The Nature Conservancy has continued this practice with a process called “patch burning” in which about one-third of the prairie is burned each year. This process has proven beneficial not only for bison and cattle, but also for the threatened greater prairie chickens which also inhabit the preserve in small numbers.


Hidden away in the rugged Osage Hills of Northeastern Oklahoma, Woolaroc was established in 1925 as the ranch retreat of oilman Frank Phillips. The ranch is a 3,700 acre wildlife preserve, home to many species of native and exotic wildlife, such as bison, elk and longhorn cattle.

The prominent species at the Woolaroc Ranch are the American Bison, elk (wapiti) and longhorn cattle, which are truly native to this area and were found here in the days before Columbus. Other species include the Japanese Sika deer, North European fallow deer, water buffalo, llamas, aoudads, ostriches, Sardinian donkeys, and pigmy goats.

Not only does the Woolaroc Museum house one of the most outstanding western art collections in the world, you can also explore Frank Phillips’ private collection of curiosities, including a race-winning monoplane and the world’s largest collection of Colt rifles.


About the Workshop

Our workshops are based on digital photography, the assistance that I can provide and the immediate feedback of digital make “in the field” workshops one of the most effective teaching formats available.  Whether finding the correct exposure, looking through the viewfinder for the perfect composition, or learning how to use the equipment, you can’t beat real world experience.  Classes are kept small, it’s all about personal, individual attention. Digital offers a number of benefits for learning photography including:

  1. Immediate feedback on exposure and composition
  2. Immediate critique from the instructor an other participants
  3. Ability to do reviews and projection
  4. Automatically capturing all shooting information (Meta Data)
  5. Ability to manage work flow while still on location

Short-eared Owl at the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in Oklahoma.


Workshop Itinerary

Saturday 10-23

We will leave Fort Smith at 10 am stopping along the way for lunch and arriving in the afternoon.  We will photograph through the afternoon and capture the Short Eared Owls before shooting the sunset on the prairie.  We will travel to Bartlesville for dinner and to spend the night.

Sunday 10-24

We will have an early morning to reach the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve for a sunrise and early morning photo shoot. From the prairie we will travel back to Bartlesville for brunch and then on to Woolaroc where we will spend the afternoon, before returning to Fort Smith.

Changes to the Itinerary

In order to offer the best experience possible for the workshop participants we reserve the right to alter the itinerary when our judgment warrants it.  This could be due to unforeseen circumstances, closures, weather or other conditions beyond our control.  We may also alter due to new or unexpected photographic opportunities that may arise.

Workshop Policies and Information


The workshop fee per session will $295.00 per participant.

What is Included

Your workshop fees include full instruction and location guiding as well as transportation during the workshop.  Admission to Woolaroc is also included in the workshop cost.

What is Not Included

Transportation to and from the workshop, lodging, meals, incidental expenses, gratuities, and items of a personal nature are not included. Most meals and lodging will be in Bartlesville Ok.


Lodging is not included in the workshop fee. With a small group we will make plans for lodging at a motel in Bartlesville Ok for Saturday October 23.


Meals, drinks, and snacks are not provided, and are the responsibility of the participant, we will generally plan to eat as a group.

Group Size

We keep our group size small, this provides for a high degree of personal attention and a great amount of flexibility in making the workshop the best possible experience for the participants. This workshop is limited to a maximum of 3 participants.

Health and Physical Considerations

All participants should be in generally good health, walking and moderate climbing may be necessary in outdoor workshops and you will be responsible for carrying of your own equipment on location shoots.  If you are taking any medications be sure to bring a supply sufficient for the duration of the workshop. If you have any concern about your ability to participate in a workshop please contact us before registering.

Equipment Needed

To get the most from the workshop you should have a Digital Single Lens Reflex  (DSLR) or mirrorless camera, tripod and an assortment of lenses.  That being said, it is the photographer not the camera that makes the photo.

We have a great variety of subjects and shooting situations so a good selection of lenses is suggested.  Be sure to bring a camera backpack or bag to carry and protect your equipment. I recommend bringing two camera bodies if you have them as we may be shooting landscapes and within seconds have an opportunity for birds or wildlife requiring a telephoto lens.


Registration, Payment, and Refund Policy

You can register any way you like, just so I get your information, you can use the online registration, the contact formemail,  postal mail, or call me on the phone (479-414-6889) either to register or just ask a question.  Registration is done on a first come basis, so register early to secure your space.    Enrollment is limited in our workshops, so once you have been accepted your participation is important to us – we are counting on you to attend. If you must withdraw from a course, we must receive written notice of your cancellation, and then apply the following refund policy:   We do not make refunds on workshop fees. We do not make partial refunds for unused portions or services of a workshop for any reason whatsoever. If we are able to fill your space in the workshop we will give full credit towards another workshop. If we are not able to fill your space we will issue 50% credit towards a future workshop.  If there are openings I will accept last minute registrations when possible.

We can accept no responsibility for losses or additional expenses due to delay or changes in the services to be provided. We reserve the right to change our arrangements should conditions necessitate, or to cancel any aspect of the workshop due to exceptional circumstances.

In the unlikely event that we need to cancel a workshop we will refund all monies paid, in full. Notification of our cancellation will be made via either a telephone call or an e-mail to you at least 14 days prior to the beginning of a workshop other than an emergency. We cannot be responsible for phone messages and e-mails not being received in a timely matter due to your service providers. We cannot be responsible for non-refundable airline tickets unused or other travel arrangements because of a workshop cancellation. All workshops have a minimum participation level which must be met or the workshop may be canceled.

Non Photographer (Spouse, significant other, or friend)

We welcome spouses to join you on the workshop experience however “workshop activities” are limited to registered, paid attendees.  You may have a non photographer accompany you to all activities but they must pay for the workshop.  If they wish to accompany you on the trip but not attend the workshop activities, but stay with you, finding other activities during the day,  and  meet for meals and social type events that is perfectly acceptable.

Liability Waiver

All participants will be required to sigh a liability waiver before beginning a workshop.  As there is always an element of risk in any adventure associated with the outdoors, participants must read the liability release form carefully. Participation will certify that said participant is physically fit and capable of participating in outdoor photography exercises in field locations, and is fully and completely aware of any associated risks created by field locations and weather.



The more the better, at least as far as the photography goes.  Workshops will not be canceled and no refunds will be made due to weather, we will not be responsible for any additional costs that may be incurred by weather delays or cancellations due to weather, flight delays, or other. Participants should come to the workshop prepared for all weather conditions.

Trip Extensions

We may be able to extend your trip in the area, if you would like more time and personal instruction.  Please contact us for more information and rates before the workshop.


We prefer that you do not smoke, however if you must please abide by the following guidelines.  Smoking is not allowed in or near vehicles, during instructional sessions, during group meals, or at other times when in close quarters with other workshop participants.



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