Fall Colors Photography Workshop

This will be a two day field workshop located in the area of the Buffalo National River in North Central Arkansas. Just about all of our time will be spent photographing the endless possibilities of this unique area, with personal instruction from Greg Disch.

This area is rich with photographic opportunities. As described by the National Park Service “The natural and cultural resources of this national river exemplify much of the beauty and diversity which makes up the Ozark region of Arkansas. You will find a wild, free-flowing and unpolluted river that passes towering bluffs, pioneer homesteads and wilderness areas, dominated by a vast hardwood forest, verdant much of the visitor season. The river offers recreational pursuits like canoeing, fishing and swimming. Inspirational and educational opportunities are also available, where one can experience life at a slower pace. It is indeed a place where you can get glimpses of an earlier way of life, whether that is seeing examples of prehistoric Native American presence in Ozark Bluff Dweller cultures or pioneer homesteads in this beautiful and scenic, rugged landscape.”

The Buffalo River was designated Americas first National River over 30 years ago “for the purposes of conserving and interpreting an area containing unique scenic and scientific features, and preserving as a free-flowing stream an important segment of the Buffalo River in Arkansas for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations.”

Workshop Itinerary

There will be two sessions for the workshop, you may choose either session or possibley want to do both, as this time of year the change of color happens very quickly and we will cover some different locations in each session.


Session 1
October 28 – 30 2011

Session 2
November 4- 6 2011


We will meet at the Ozark Cafe on the square in Jasper at 6:00 pm for dinner and to get acquainted with everyone in the group. We will discuss our plans for Saturday’s photo shoots.


We will meet for breakfast at the Ozark cafe in Jasper at 8:00 before departing on our shoot Saturday morning. plan to bring a picnic style lunch, snacks, and drinks for during the day Saturday as we may not have anywhere available to stop for lunch.

From there we will head to Boxley Valley to photograph the Elk in the early morning, this should be during the Elk Rutting season and we should be able to get some shots of the Bull’s fighting. Once the Elk move into the trees we will head to another location to photograph, eat a picnic lunch and move to another location. As we finish up here the Elk should be returning to the fields for some more photo ops, after which we will return to Jasper for dinner and a recap of the day.


We will meet for breakfast again on Sunday morning and again head to Boxley Valley to photograph the Elk, after which we will stop at the Boxley Valley Baptist Chuch and the proceed to another location. We will then head back to Jasper for lunch and then on to our final location. Then back to Jaspe for dinner and a recap of the weekend.


Buffalo National River and Vicinity, Jasper AR


The workshop fee per session will $249.00 per participant, which will cover photographic instruction by Greg Disch.


Click here for more information