Platte River Sandhill Cranes

Platte River Sandhill Cranes For eight weeks from late February to early April, the fascinating Sandhill Crane Spring Migration happens in the heart of Nebraska. More than 80 percent of the world’s Sandhill Crane population converge on Nebraska’s Platte River. The Sandhill Cranes fly from southern wintering grounds to northern

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Fort Donelson National Battlefield

Fort Donelson National Battlefield Fort Donelson National Battlefield preserves Fort Donelson and Fort Heiman, two sites of the American Civil War Forts Henry and Donelson Campaign, in which Union Army Brigadier General Ulysses S. Grant and Flag Officer Andrew Hull Foote captured three Confederate forts and opened two rivers, the

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Vicksburg National Military Park

Vicksburg National Military Park Vicksburg National Military Park preserves the site of the American Civil War Battle of Vicksburg, waged from March 29 to July 4, 1863. The park, located in Vicksburg, Mississippi (flanking the Mississippi River), also commemorates the greater Vicksburg Campaign which led up to the battle. Reconstructed

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