This is a six week, 2 1/2 hour per week of classroom instruction and a location shoot. The course is designed for the beginner to novice photographer with a DSLR camera.
Read more →As part of my weekend long Night Photography Workshop last weekend, we did a night photo shoot at the abandoned hospital at Fort Chaffee. The medical complex at Fort Chaffee opened on December 7, 1941 (Pearl Harbor Day). The medical complex itself is an enormous site with 128 buildings all
Read more →Abandoned Fort Chaffee Hospital The Hospital located at Fort Chaffee Arkansas, has been abandoned for many years. The medical complex at Fort Chaffee opened on December 7, 1941 (Pearl Harbor Day). The medical complex itself is an enormous site with 128 buildings all held together by long hallways. The complex
Read more →June 17-19 2011 This workshop is designed to teach you what you need to know to make fantastic night or lowlight images.
Read more →Why Not, Use a Flash? Photographing people at night without using a flash is a great way to get some exciting photos. Many people feel that once it gets dark you have to use a flash in order to like your subject. By using natural lighting provided by signs, streetlights,
Read more →Registration closes on May 7th Join me May 14-15, 2011 for the biennial Mid-America Photography Symposium in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. MAPSym features photographers from around the nation leading workshops and sessions. I will be teaching a basic class, Mastering Exposure with Liquid Light In addition to the symposium, and pre-conference activities,
Read more →Saturday July 30th, 2011
This class is designed to give you all of the essential information to get started in a faster, more productive workflow.
Learn Digital Photography New session scheduled This is a six week, 2 1/2 hour per week of classroom instruction and a location shoot. The course is designed for the beginner to novice photographer with a DSLR camera. The course is not intended for film photographers, although much of the
Read more →July 23, 2011
This workshop will show you how you can take control of light, with knowledge, equipment, and practice, using portable on-camera and off-camera flash.