Cherokee Prairie Description: Cherokee Prairie Natural Area represents one of the largest remaining tracts of tallgrass prairie in the Arkansas River Valley. Located just north of Charleston, this tract is a high-quality prairie representative of the more extensive Cherokee Prairies that once occurred across the western portion of the Arkansas
Read more →I spent the weekend camping at Devil’s Den State Park in Arkansas with the PSNWA (Photographic Society of North West Arkansas). We had a moonlight waterfall photo shoot as well as spending the day photographing in the park. The gallery of images below includes the waterfall at night as well
Read more →I will be instructing a photography class for PSNWA Thursday evening in Springdale AR. The basis of exceptional photography is very simply understanding exposure. Once you better understand exposure you can begin to make it work for you and not against you. There are only 3 things that control exposure,
Read more →Two Ways to Shoot There are two basic methods to shooting water falls. The first is a stop action freeze frame type of shot. This is a pretty easy way to shoot a water fall, simply take a photo of a water fall with automatic setting in normal daylight and
Read more →Join me at the Mid-America Photography Symposium in Eureka Springs Ar May 16-17 for the biggest and best photography event in the region. 20 SESSIONS IN 5 TRACKS NATURE STUDIO COMMERCIAL PHOTO 101 PORTFOLIO 3 IN DEPTH WORKSHOPS STEVEN FOSTER’S BOTANICAL PHOTOGRAPHY
Read more →A Guide to Getting Great Wildflower Photos Step #1 – Go outside Wildflowers are just about everywhere, all you need to do is go out and look. You can find wildflowers in the dessert, high alpine tundra, forests, swamps, mountains, grasslands and just about any other terrain. Wildflowers will begin
Read more →Antelope Canyon is one of the must visit locations for photographers. Yes it is one of the most photographed canyons in the United States, but there is a good reason for that. Antelope Canyon is absolutely a gorgeous place for photography. Antelope Canyon is at once one of the most
Read more →Nestled in gently rolling foothills of the Ozark Mountains, Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge is home to wildlife as unique as the bald eagle and as elusive as the bobcat. Fertile bottomlands at the confluence of the Arkansas and Canadian Rivers make this east-central Oklahoma refuge a terrific wildlife viewing destination.
Read more →This blog post is just a random image that I selected to test a new plug-in for Lightroom 2. The plug will export photos directly to a blog and actually let you write content during the export. The plug-in is in early development and does not work generic viagra 100mg
Read more →My son Matt and I went out to shoot some pictures, we took a drive through the Ozark National Forest, ending up at Shores Lake. We walked down below the spillway to take photos of the dam. Construction of the dam at Shores Lake began in the 1930s by men in
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